Literary Journey

This past week, I decided to take a leap of faith and query some literary agents I have been investigating for the last few weeks. Last year, I wrote a novella. For weeks, I edited each page meticulously, altered scenes, etc. Over and over, I edited till I was satisfied with what I had in front of me. Then, just when I thought I’d try emailing literary agents, I took a step back because I questioned if it was really ready.

Well, last week I overcame that worry and emailed four agents. I have more I wish to query soon enough, but sending the first few pages of my manuscript, my query letter, and a cover letter was so freeing. It boosted my confidence. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that this is all a learning experience. Not all writers can just send a manuscript to a literary agent and expect to get picked on the first try. I’ve queried many others for other books that I’ve written over the years.

But, I am hopeful that this time around, my novella can be seen by a literary agent that can see its potential. And maybe, just maybe, I can move on to the next step of accomplishing my writing dreams.

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